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Refereed articles

Renaud, F. and J. H. W. Tan (2023). A Test of Loyalty. Forthcoming at Theory and Decision.


Jayasekara, D. N. and J. H. W. Tan (2023). How do Intercultural Proximity and Social Fragmentation Promote International Patent Cooperation? Forthcoming at Small Business Economics.

Tan, J. H. W. and F. Bolle (2023). Intragroup Punishment and Intergroup Conflict Aversion Weaken Intragroup

Cooperation in Finitely Repeated Games. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 105, 102034.

Chuah, S. H., S. Gächter, R. Hoffmann, and J. H. W. Tan (2023). Who Discriminates? Evidence From a Trust Game Experiment Across Three Societies. Journal of Economic Psychology, 97, 102630.

Bolle F. and J. H. W. Tan (2021). Behavioral Types of the Dark Side: Identifying Heterogeneous Conflict Strategies. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 7(1), 49-63.

Ferguson, E., R. Shichman, and J. H. W. Tan (2020). When Lone Wolf Defectors Undermine the Power of the Opt-Out Default. Scientific Reports, 10, 8973.

Breitmoser, Y. and J. H. W. Tan (2020). Why Should Majority Bargaining Be Unfair? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,175, 281-295.


Chuah, S. H., S. Gächter, R. Hoffmann, and J. H. W. Tan (2016). Religion, Discrimination and Trust Across Three Cultures. European Economic Review, 90, 280-301.

Chuah, S. H., R. Hoffmann, B. Ramasamy, and J. H. W. Tan (2016). Is There a Spirit of Overseas Chinese Capitalism? Small Business Economics, 47, 1095-1118.

Kritikos, A. S. and J. H. W. Tan (2016). Influence in the Face of Impunity. Economics Letters, 141, 119-121.


Tan, J. H. W., Y. Breitmoser and F. Bolle (2015). Voluntary Contributions by Consent or Dissent. Games and Economic Behavior, 92, 106-121.


Bolle, F., J. H. W. Tan and D. J. Zizzo (2014). Vendettas. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 6(2), 93-130.


Breitmoser, Y., J. H. W. Tan and D. J. Zizzo (2014). On the Beliefs Off the Path: Equilibrium Refinement due to Quantal Response and Level-k. Games and Economic Behavior, 86, 102-125.


Chuah, S. H., R. Hoffmann, B. Ramasamy and J. H. W. Tan (2014). Religion, Ethnicity and Cooperation: An Experimental Study. Journal of Economic Psychology, 45, 33-43.


Breitmoser, Y. and J. H. W. Tan (2013). Reference Dependent Altruism in Demand Bargaining. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 92, 127-140.


Hargreaves Heap, S., J. H. W. Tan and D. J. Zizzo (2013). Trust, Inequality and the Market. Theory and Decision, 74(3), 311-333.


Zizzo, D. J. and J. H. W. Tan (2011). Game Harmony: A Behavioral Approach to Predicting Cooperation in Games. American Behavioral Scientist, 55(8), 987-1013.


Breitmoser, Y., J. H. W. Tan and D. J. Zizzo (2010). Understanding Perpetual R&D Races. Economic Theory, 44(3), 445-467.


Perugini, M., J. H. W. Tan and D. J. Zizzo (2010). Which is the More Predictable Gender? Public Good Contribution and Personality. Economic Issues, 15(1), 83-110.


Kritikos, A. S. and J. H. W. Tan (2009). Indenture as a Self-enforced Contract Device: An Experimental Test. Southern Economic Journal, 75(3), 857-872.


Tan, J. H. W. and C. Vogel (2008). Religion and Trust: An Experimental Study. Journal of Economic Psychology, 29(6), 832-848.


Tan, J. H. W. and D. J. Zizzo (2008). Groups, Cooperation and Conflict in Games. Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(1), 1-17.


Poulsen A. U. and J. H. W. Tan (2007). Information Acquisition in the Ultimatum Game: An Experimental Study. Experimental Economics, 10(4), 391-409.


Tan, J. H. W. and F. Bolle (2007). Team Competition and the Public Goods Game. Economics Letters, 96(1), 133-139.


Zizzo, D. J., and J. H. W. Tan (2007). Perceived Harmony, Similarity and Cooperation in 2x2 Games: An Experimental Study. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28(3), 365-386.


Kritikos, A. S., F. Bolle and J. H. W. Tan (2007). The Economics of Solidarity: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Socio-Economics, 36(1), 73-89.


Tan, J. H. W. and F. Bolle (2006). On the Relative Strengths of Altruism and Fairness. Theory and Decision, 60(1), 35-67.


Tan, J. H. W. (2006). Religion and Social Preferences: An Experimental Study. Economics Letters, 90(1), 60-67.

Policy and Newspaper OpEds, Book Contributions, and Other Publications

Lee, Z. and Tan, J. H. W. (2019). Experimental Economics Can Help Tackle Challenges in Land Transport, The Straits Times, Opinion Section, Singapore: Singapore Press Holdings.

Quah, E., C. Soh and Tan, J. H. W. (2017). Why Thaler Matters: A Rational Look at Behavioural Economics, The Straits Times, Opinion Section, Singapore: Singapore Press Holdings.


Ng, Y. K. and Tan, J. H. W. (2017). Get the Word Out – Blood Donation is Good for Donors, The Straits Times, Opinion Section, Singapore: Singapore Press Holdings.

Quah, E. and Tan, J. H. W. (2017). Upgrading Coffee-shop Talk – and Public Policymaking, The Straits Times, Opinion Section, Singapore: Singapore Press Holdings.

Ng, Y. K. and Tan, J. H. W. (2017). Blood Donation Benefits the Self and Others (in Chinese), Lianhe Zaobao, Opinion Section, Singapore: Singapore Press Holdings.

Peneda Saraiva, P. and J. H. W. Tan (2017). Risk, Profit and Social (Ir)responsibility in Delegated Investment Choices. FCA OpEd, Financial Conduct Authority UK.

Tan, J. H. W. (2014). Behavioral Economics of Religion, P. Oslington (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hoffmann, R. and Tan, J. H. W. (2012). Religion, Markets and Society: An Introduction, Homo Oeconomicus, 29, 7-12.

Bolle, F., J. H. W. Tan and D. J. Zizzo (2010). Vendettas: A Research Note, People Management Magazine, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development UK.

Tan, J. H. W. (2007). The Strength of Social Preferences: Synopsis, Summa cum Laude, 1, 142-143.

Tan, J. H. W. (2003). On Altruism, Christianity, and Economics, Journal of the Association of Christian Economists, UK, 32, 8-16.


Tan, J. H. W. (2005). The Strength of Social Preferences, Doctoral Dissertation, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, European University Viadrina, Germany.

Tan, J. H. W. (2000). Unemployment Insurance in Real Business Cycle Theory: A Critical Analysis, Honours Dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Essex, UK.

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